Monday, March 31, 2014

Pound - Day 31

That was a great workout! Felt focused and pushed through sets. 

think that sums it up well for tonight. 30 minutes and I'll say 4.5 stars!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Curve - Day 30

Tonight I did 30 minutes of Curve Carver. Did really well on my form because I could really feel the burn during some sets. I could have worked harder on push-ups, but it feels like I'm pushing so much g-force...take this scenario, for instance:

John Stapp was subjected to 15 g for 0.6 second and a peak of 22 g during a 19 March 1954 rocket sled test. He would eventually survive a peak of more than 46 g, with more than 25 g for 1.1 sec.[6]

Nevertheless, I'll keep working on it. 4 stars!

ichibum - day 30 - up and at 'em

Pump up track:

Thank the laaaaawd I had my music. Can't go wrong with Missy E!! Songza, cardio hip hop playlist is the shit. :)

So after a disappointing fundraising event last night where we ate fried food and 1 vodka and water, today had to go to the gym. I was gonna go in the evening but I wasn't needed at the shop until 12:30. Took advantage and went to the gym when I could've been sleeping in. :(

Tree was telling me how her personal trainer told her it's most ideal to do 30-45 mins of cardio and then also do weights after. So my mindset changed a little bit, go hard for the cardio for 30-35 mins and spend rest of the other time doing other exercises. So in my 54 minute workout ( with 30 minute elliptical) I was able to burn 300-some calories. 

I could only muster up 20 box jumps, 40 bench jumps, kettle bell swings and weighted squats. 

My cousins and I are trying another insanity class on Tuesday. I'm excited to see if I can push myself. :)

Peace out!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Yoga - Day 29

Today was a relaxing day, so I decided to do some yoga.

I started out with 15 minutes of Nike yoga. It got pretty advanced along the way, but I still tried each pose and learned new ones too.

Then I did the A.M./P.M. Gaiam yoga DVD. Specifically the P.M. yoga with Patricia Walden. It was 20 minutes of beginner yoga, which I enjoy. It was good to remember patience and technique the way yoga intended. Doing workouts everyday still doesn't round out the overall physical needs. I can feel the difference in parts of my body that weren't affected over the past month, so I will remember to keep doing yoga once in a while.

ichibum - rest of day 27

Been busy and fell asleep before I could post the 2nd part of day 27. 

After work, I went to the shop to work, then worked out around 11:30pm. After getting to the gym I realized I forgot my headphones :(

I was contemplating going all the way back to the shop to grab it since music really pumps me up to work out and makes me push myself but I was lazy and said heck with it. I'll listen to the gym music and work out. 

Yea, next time I'm going back to the shop to get it. Sounds weird but I didn't have the motivation to push myself like I would if I was listening to my own music. I don't want to listen to lady gaga, I want to listen to Jay-Z telling me to dust my shoulders off! Haha music is very important in my work out routine, so I will have to put an extra pair in my gym bag just in case I forget my Bluetooth ones, or they run out of battery. Only managed to get 400 some calories for my 1hr 45 min work out :(

But if I add my stairs, I burned off 121 + 179 = 600 kcal. Woot woot! But I know deep down it could've been more.. :(

Day 28 was no go. Worked like a mofo since it's month end, went out for dinner, ended up going to Tribute club, and hangover. Alcohol = empty calories :(

Day 29 - working all day and then fundraiser tonight. There will be some drinking tonight too. But I'll just have vodka waters. Blehhh gross. 

I will work out again on Sunday. 

And wow! Work outs back to back! Awesome dani-wok!!! Results are just around the corner ;)

Peace out!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Mixer - Day 28

I started out with the full Pussycat Dolls workout DVD (60 mins). Got warmed up and inspired - dancer's bodies are amazing!

After that, decided I wanted to do one more workout, so chose to bust my butt and get more toned. Feels pretty good! These days, when I walk or move around, I sort of wonder "whose body is this?" Especially my legs, which feel stronger.

5-star night (PCD and Nike workouts)!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Machine - Day 27

Wow, I think yesterday's Strength workout benefitted me. I got through this Toning workout way better than I thought I would. I pushed through to the end of most sets and once again imagined myself at my ultimate best.

I think that sums it up well. So, 5 stars!

Update (approx. 9:38 p.m.): instead of yoga tonight, I was enticed to do a dance workout from the Pussycat Dolls workout DVD. It was 20 minutes and it got my heart rate up. Planning to do another PCD workout tomorrow. Fini!

ichibum day 26/part of 27

Wasn't able to work out last night. Ate at corso 32 (as good as I remembered the good! Did not dissapoint). But promised to make it up today. So part 1 of day 27:

Pump up track:
"Ive got a cute face
Chubby waist
Thick legs in shape
Rump shakin both ways"

Love Missy E. My new motto haha

Ran the stairs late today, didn't see my stairway buddy. 22 mins up and down. Managed to squeeze in the stairs 8 times (16 if u count going down too haha)

Part 2 to come tonight. :)

Kinda peace out for now. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Strong - Day 26

This is the first time I ever touched anything in the Strength series. I was secretly afraid of it because I have zero strength.

Turns out it was mostly sets I had done before, but it just focused more on utilizing the workouts that leverage body weight. I was happy with this.

But who knew...who knew that burpees weren't already hard enough. Today, I learned you could make burpees even more difficult! Just add weights! Gotta love them heavy burpees!!! Can you read my sarcasm in this newfound lesson?!

Alas, tonight was a 4 star night. I was distracted and very much looking forward to dinner. I will look forward to yoga before bed and allow myself to focus then before I call it a night.

10:15 p.m.: not really as relaxed or focused as I wanted to be. But I did my yoga time and have told myself it will do me good in the long run if I keep this up daily. And also made a mental note to look for more yoga apps. Goodnight!

ichibum Day 25. Push it.

Pump up track :

Today I'm not gonna lie, felt lazy. I always feel lazy though, that's not new but I was dreading doing the stairs today. I did get my butt off and out of my office for around 15 mins and walked the stairs. Usually I change into my lulus and tshirt then do it but I did not feel like running the stairs. I'll try again tmr. 

Went to hockey game (free hockey game woot woot) and cheated badly on the food there. Shared nachos, a slice of pizza and 3/4 of a beer. And oilers lost. It was a lose lose situation sigh. 

After the game went back to the shop, then headed to the gym for a late night session. 1hr cardio, box jumps, vertical crunches, kettle bell swings, and squats with kettle bell. I need to get rid of my muffin top pronto. 

Tomorrow is a girls night dinner at corso 32. I haven't been back to corso in almost 2 years! Been avoiding the place like the plague but it's still my favorite restaurant in Edmonton (apart from V sandwiches of course haha) I have to watch what I eat. Then hit up the gym. I will try to wake up early and do some cardio before work. Doubt it but I can always try :)

And Dani-wok, 10pm?? Sleep is for the weak! Hahaha jkjk wish I could get in bed by then. I need beauty sleep haha

Peace out. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Rough - Day 25

It's one of those days where I wanted to give up! It was rough!

This workout was unique in that most sets were 30 seconds long, so there was exercise on almost every area you could imagine.

I'm glad I powered through the 45 minutes, though. And I'm almost at the end of getting lean at the intermediate level. I'm secretly afraid of what is in store at the advanced level. I'll have to face it soon enough...!

Good news is I've done cadio 3 days in a row; I'm feeling good! 4 stars...!

Update @ 10:15 p.m.: downloaded a yoga app to pamper myself with relaxation before bedtime. I have been getting very few hours of sleep each night and today I will start doing yoga before bed. I will try to get to sleep before 10:00 p.m. every night as well. Namaste.

Monday, March 24, 2014

ichibum day 24. Recovering

Did not work out for past 3 days. Stressing about making a slide show/party planning haha I know. No excuses. Lol

Today went to Vball, and all I could muster is 30 mins cardio. I forgot my heart rate monitor at home too Aiyah. Stairs tmr. Hockey game. Then gym after hockey. Let's hope I get back in the groove ^^

Visualize - Day 24

Today's workout was a 5 star 'move, bitch, get out the way, bitch, get out the way' kind of night!

I imagined myself frolicking across a sandy beach or crossing the finish line of a race in my top form! 

30 minutes of visualizing these scenarios fueled my efforts. And even if I'm not in my top form, I just know I will strive to do my best every day.

Trading daily workout achievements with partner ichibum is so very motivating and I honestly don't think I could do this without her!


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Shredder - Day 23

I have no idea how I only worked off a supposed 74 calories from this exercise. I feel beat!

30 minutes of cardio, finally! Every aspect of the workout tuned in to all body parts. It was a well-rounded effort.

I gave up when it came to froggers and half-assed a couple sets, but I still talked myself into beast mode, so I'm giving myself 4 stars!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Bum-p - Day 22

That workout did more pain to my back than my butt!

I know I said I'd do cardio today, but I let myself be wimpy. At least I got my heart rate up for my 15 minute workout tonight. 

Concentrating on my biggest 'ass'-et tonight was worth seeing immediate results. My legs are more trim and that means my butt will defy gravity. 

I didn't do so well on the split jumps and pulsing squats tonight. But at least I know I will try harder next time I do it. Much harder! Hard work is how you meet your goals and give it a firm handshake!!!

3 stars for tonight, but feeling good anyway!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Vision - Day 21

Came home with a tummy ache. But I ate and felt better and got in to my workout after watching some YouTube. 

Still in the toning series, but I will get back into cardio again tomorrow. For now, loving weights and feeling my strength grow day by day.

30 minutes and 4 stars!

ichibum - day 20 Leg day

Pump up track:

Got home late from the gym and totally forgot to post. 1hr cardio and various leg exercises. Squats with 12 kg kettle bell are killer! Not sure how much longer I can sustain later night workouts haha

Peace out!
- ichibum 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Push - Day 20

I like toning. But as I enjoy this, I should be adding heavier weights to make the workout more effective in the coming weeks. I promised myself no shopping for a while, but I think this is more like necessary "supplies."

Even then, I had a little spasm in my right calf from stepping incorrectly. Better take it easy next time and not throw the weights all over - controlled movement is key.

Tonight's 30 minutes was 4 stars for me!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

ichibum day 19 - beast mode

Pump up track: 

Another struggle to get my butt to the gym. Drank a zero calorie energy drink and ZING! Instant energy ^^ I managed to get to the gym earlier than usual so spent some more time working out. Routine as follows: 1hr elliptical, box jumps, bench side jumps, squats with kettle bell, vertical crunches, and bench presses. Tmr will be leg day (if I make it to the gym... Haha) 

Bench side jumps (don't mind my hair and yes I was wearing my same work out outfit as yesterday but I washed it last night! Hahaha ):

Another pet peeve at the gym happened today. There are rows upon rows of elliptical machines. I'm at around the 20 minute mark of my cardio when suddenly a tall stinky guy jumps on the machine RIGHT BESIDE MINE. Dude, there are 15 other machines you can use! Why right beside me?? I normally don't mind ppl using the machine beside me, BUT he was emitting a wretched stench that was unbearable. I had to move my head to the side like I was swimming to gasp for air. I had another 40 minutes and prayed he would finish because I didn't want to move. His 10 minutes on the machine felt like ETERNITY. sigh...

Beast mode. 

Peace out!

Sculpting - Day 19

Toning up is fun, but I think I should get more lean first. 

Completed 45 minutes of Shaping and Sculpting. Not too sure how I felt about it. Had a few interruptions and allowed myself to get distracted. So 3 stars it is.

Seriously contemplating putting workout time in at my company gym as I can't justify drop-in or membership fees at local rec centres/gyms.

I shall try and see how it goes. Maybe tomorrow...! No promises yet. Wish me luck! 

ichibum - day 18. Whatever it takes.

Pump up Track: 

Another late night work out session. Left the shop at 12am to go work out. It's all mental. If your mind is determined to do something, your body will follow. Keeping a goal and keeping to it. 

30 mins cardio, box jumps, bench jumps, vertical crunches and squats. 
I like going to the gym late at night. Barely anyone around and I can try new equipment around. Took my first gym selfie since no one was around:

I love Dri-fit shirts. Sweat be gone! Must get more when I go to Seattle in June. So cheap over there!

To keeping us motivated on the Spartan Journey : here's to us dani-wok :)
 Peace out. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Dani-Wok - Day 18

I can't come up with a inspiring/clichĂ© blog title tonight, so here is Day 18. 

I ate a big lunch at Earl's and then attended a catering event in the afternoon today. Feeling tubby! I was food tasting some treats as well (coconut rum pineapple on a stick), but does it really count when it's for work purposes? I need to know what the clients want, right?!

Completed 30 minutes in toning tonight. I gave myself 3 stars because they demanded push-ups. I can't do this! I have to get heavier weights to gain strength before I even attempt a push-up.

I am going to try to get out of work on time these days...leaving late means starting the workouts late and not eating dinner till 8:00 p.m. This has been happening almost everyday. Balance is key!

ichibum 14,15,16,17. Lump sum

  • "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands. They just don't!" - Elle Woods, Legally Blonde

Day 14 and 15 were definitely my weak days. Just needed some time to re-evaluate myself and life itself. Day 16 decided I can't spend moping all the time and remembered that exercise gave endorphins which in turn supposed to make yourself feel happy. Glad I pushed through and did cardio. Even the bigger lady beside me couldn't cramp my style with her rude comment directed at me "why so slow?" I'm looked over and her machine was level one. I was on level 18. Of course I would be running through molasses!!

Also did some food prepping (raspberry vanilla oatmeal) 

I cheated and made my bbt sealer machine into good use. 

Day 17: pushing my limits. 
I had volleyball tonight and we did not do bad but we did not do good. Still feeling my age but season is almost over. No playoffs but we had good matches PHO KING DELICIOUS ftw. 

After that I went to the shop, drove one my workers home and offered him a ride home. As I dropped him off, I was also enroute home and I passed by my 24 hr gym. I had 15 seconds to choose to go to the gym or go home. The gym won at 11:50pm. 
Now to stay on track like dani-wok.... 

Good night y'all

Monday, March 17, 2014

Jesse J - Day 17

Cool, I found a workout by Jesse J! 

"It's not about the money, money, money
We don't need your money, money, money
We just wanna make the world dance,
Forget about the price tag"

It consisted of 15 minutes of working on the legs. And yes, I do feel the burn!

4 stars. I wasn't good on my form on some parts.

Before I even started, I already knew I wanted to do 15 minutes today because my back wasn't feeling too good. But look at me, I got it all done and I'm even dripping sweat! This does not normally happen. Just needed to have it diarized for proof. Maybe I'll meet Jesse J one day and show her this post.

"Ain't about the (uh) cha-ching cha-ching
Ain't about the (yeah) ba-bling ba-bling
Wanna make the world dance,
Forget about the price tag" $$$$$$$$

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Will Powering - Day 16

Feeling tired today. After my afternoon nap, I felt sluggish. So I'm glad I still had this workout to do to shake off the laze.

Completed 30 minutes. This is the second workout in the intermediate level. Glad I am advancing in difficulty. Slowly but surely. 4 stars!

Remembering davechacko's advice from a few years ago that we should be looking our best. Truth!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Forming - Day 15

Starting to feel like I'm getting a hang of proper form for my workouts. I'm feeling a little stronger since I can do at least 7 modified push-ups these days. Don't even ask when I'll be able to do my first real push-up...!

I have a small headache, so I'm glad I still got myself to do 30 minutes. And it was a 4 star kind of night.

Not sure why now, but my thighs are aching and almost feel swollen. I think I'm going to get thunder thighs. Not cool!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Workout & Dance - Day 14

I finished a grueling 45 minutes of Cardio Surge. Repeat "Cardio Surge" again in your head with the voice of a WWE announcer......CARDIO SURGE...!!!

As hardcore as that sounds, I actually started running out of fuel about 25-30 minutes in. BUT I didn't give up and still tried all the remaining sets for at least 5-30 seconds before I took breathers and then continued on a new set when I physically could. 3.5 stars for me, I say!

After that, I practiced some dance steps from last night's class. Still not confident about it and my balance is all off. But I did that for 15 minutes anyhow. 

My new shoes from Payless are also fun because they're orange. 

Ichibum day 13.

I did not work out last night. Oh god, already in a funk. Aiyahhhhh :( Life gets in the way. Working 2 jobs, managing a store, managing people is hard to juggle working out in between. Must. Find. A. Way. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Diva - Day 13

The female hip hop class was definitely a nice change in my week. 

We did a warm-up to some good music and eventually did some "zoning." Models use it to strike a pose. This is where I failed completely. I was a deer in headlights. I felt like the most asexual being on the planet. What is sexy? *shrug*

I was happy when we got into choreography. I am all about technique and was able to pull it off well. But adding extra flair and bounce was still not in me. I figured since I could get the steps right, the moves will eventually come. 

I hear the song on the radio sometimes, so I figured I should watch the video to the song we are learning to dance to. Good inspiration.

Apparently this is a 6-week class, so I guess I found my extra workout to do. Thanks, universe!

3.5 out of 5 stars for me today. Goodnight!

ichibum day 12. Feeling lathargic

Pump up track: If - Janet Jackson

I think my energy level is on the decline and I don't know why. Maybe continuous physical activities for the past 12 days everyday? I ran the stairs again at work and met my goal of 8x up the stairs in 25 mins. Got my heart rate up pretty good and managed to burn 100kcal. 

I do feel a little self conscious having to change into a tshirt at lunch to do the stairs and then coming back to change into my work shirt after. I get a lot of "wth" looks from my coworker but ehhhh. I'd rather do that then sweat in my work clothes. I will need to bring some body mist. I don't want to smell like sweat hahaha I also made a "friend" doing the stairs. I usually go around 1:30 and at that time there is a n old Chinese lady that comes down from the 3rd floor to get the mail. I've seen her twice and we chit chat a little. She said she goes down the stairs to get the mail everyday and jokes that we should race sometime. Bring it on lady. Jkjk ;)

After #officelife work, I went to work at the shop and was going to the gym late night but I couldn't do it. I suddenly crashed and fell asleep in the office, then had to drive workers home and by that time it was 11:30pm. I drove by the gym feeling guilty that I should be in there. Make it up triple time tmr? Let's hope so.

Banana cookie butter oatmeal 
 Verdict: Good. It's a nice change from the raspberry vanilla oatmeal I tend to make

Lunch: Salad (lettuce, red bell peppers, cherry tomatoes) w/balsamic vinegar
Verdict: light and easy

Dinner: congee and 3 spoons of Mac and cheese
Verdict: congee was good and damn tree for making me tempted to eat Mac and cheese!!

Temptation of the day:
Bonnie got me xxxtra flaming hot Cheetos from LA. I probably ate like 40 cheeto sticks :( so good and spicy!!  I swear they don't have these in canada! I'm pretty sure. Hahaha

And yay for hip hop classes Dani-wok!! Show them what you got! And you mentioned feminine hip hop class. So no men?! How are you supposed to reenact "Step up" or "honey" or "save the last dance" or "you got served"??? ;)

Peace out. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Endurance - Day 12

How I lasted 45 minutes is beyond me. The last 15-20 minutes felt brutal. But I pushed because I knew I would eventually be relaxing, eating dinner like nothing happened just minutes before.

4 stars! I'm still not able to keep going consistently when I'm going hard on cardio. But I'm taking only 3 seconds during sets to catch my breath and then I keep on going.

This afternoon, the word "DIVA" caught my eye. And next thing you know, I've signed up for a free feminine hip hop dance class. Because who doesn't want to be fierce like Beyoncé! It's just one class, so it will be a nice break in my workout routine. "I don't think you're ready for this jelly." No, seriously. Avert your eyes...!

Test (Video)


ichibum day 11. Routine.

Pump up track : middle finger by cobra starship 

I managed to convince myself to do stairs at work. I found another stairwell at another area of the building that actually has 6 flight of Stairs! Did that 7 times. I'm aiming for 8. 

Here's a link of what this looks like. My hands were shaky but I feel my endurance increased a little bit. 

Also subbed for a friend's Vball game. For almost 2 hours. Work out quota done

Squat challenge: I just do 50 a day. I'm not going to do any more than 50 haha 

I also have been eating better. Relatively. Oatmeal, seaweed and salmon and rice for the day. 

I doZe off more easily too. Shiet. I'm barely opening my eyese as I type this. 

Peace outs! 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Multitasking - Day 11

Put the teriyaki glazed salmon in the oven and got into a quick workout just in time to sit down for dinner.

Tonight's workout was cardio. Sweat is dripping down my body. It's exactly like hot yoga right now! So, I'm giving myself 4 stars! I didn't deserve 5 stars as I took breathers during sets, but I never paused the workout once and so I feel good that I kept my stamina going!

With the weather getting nicer, I hope I can get slimmer and toned and ready for some dresses, skirts and shorts! *strike a pose*