Thursday, July 31, 2014

All A-Butt Butts - Day 17

I ate a large dinner of spaghetti and cereal. Yes, it happened.

So I decided to not do any core/abs tonight.

Today was all about the butt. I love that my undies seem to be getting looser. I love seeing progress!!!

I did 15 minutes of Butt Buster and then 5 minutes of Shaun T's butt workout which I have been repeating the last several days. Feeling the burn! But it's getting easier!

I might not do good on working out this weekend as I will be partaking in wedding and festival feasts. So starting Monday night, I'll be doing core and abs again. 


P.S. I also saw a cool quote today posted by the Spartan Race on FB:

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Baking - Day 16

So today I did the core workout I wanted to do yesterday. It was great! It feels effective on my body.

My form was lacking in some of the sets, but I hope to be able to do these again in other workouts.

I'm gonna keep tonight's post short. It's extremely hot this evening and I can barely move another muscle.


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Oops & I Did It Again - Day 15

I mistakenly did the Strengthen and Lengthen workout instead of a core workout. But that's ok, I needed something new!

I found tonight's workout somewhat easy in terms of simplicity. But the techniques were difficult to master having to stay vertical and not move the hips. But I liked the sets and they were easy to remember.

After that, I decided to do a repeat of Shaun T's butt routine from last night's workout. It hurt a lot - again. But I am getting used to it and hope I can build up more endurance doing this again tomorrow.

Aaaaand...! Ichibum has challenged me to do 1 REAL push-up this week. I have only been able to do modified push-ups this entire time. My arms feel like sticks. I don't know if I can do it. But I will try. As hard as I can! My goal is to do this by Friday evening. Wish me luck!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Ab-Butt - Day 14

got home and ate a Paleo dinner (unintended, but it worked out well). Then paid a bill and did some chores. As soon as I felt tidied up, I got into a core strengthening workout. 

I did Core Crunch, which contributed a lot of strength to my abs and back. It feels really good to be conscious of not allowing myself to slouch or negatively impact my sitting or standing postures.

I luckily got a call from ichibum and got a break in between for some ab-burning laughter and motivation talk for her and myself.

As soon as we hung up, I decided to do just 5 more minutes of focusing on my butt thanks to Shaun T. It was killer! Worse than my 15 mins of core sets! But it felt good and really effective.

I hope I can motivate myself to go for a run tomorrow evening...! Either that or another workout on focus areas. Goodnight!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Every Little Bit Counts - Day 13

I spent the entire day watching TV and eating. Glad that I don't feel bad for doing a short workout until the end of today. It was way too hot to be doing any physical activity. Even my dog was so hot during our walk, he plopped down on the grass to get himself cooler.

Tonight, I decided all I could do was abs. After last night's 5 mile run, my ankles feel bruised/sprained. But I'm sure it's just new muscles ripping.

I did the Ab Burner workout and it felt alright. I felt the burn except for a few sets. I did modified side planks, but I should have pushed myself to do regular side planks. Tomorrow, I will push!


Wow! I haven't visited this page in forever and didn't realize that Tammy you were keeping it alive (I believe you now when you say you've participated in marathons and mud runs...kudos to you!)...reason I'm even on here was to find the nick dreamer birthday video to post on my bro's wall in an attempt to embarrass him. Epic fail considering I accidentally posted it on my own FB wall instead of his! Anyhoo you've inspired me to get back into shape after giving birth to my lil parasite (I guess I should be called Mrs Em now). Stayed tuned for some mommy diary posts from me once I go on mat leave...heehee

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Running - Day 12

Wow, I ran 5 miles tonight! All in less than an hour!

Feeling exhausted from the long distance. But my pace was pretty good! I am quite pleased.

This is a new app I downloaded - again another Nike+ App. Gotta love it. It shows calories lost and average time per mile. And when you stop running, it pauses the workout for you (i.e. waiting at stop lights).

Glad I stuck to my workout tonight. I almost decided not to do one. Must have more will power! 

Looking forward to tomorrow's workout...! 

Bootcamp - Day 10/11

Another tummy ache stood in my way on Thursday (too much fruit). Although, I did enjoy a delicious bottle of Cherry Coke from Seattle (thanks, ichibum!). So I wasn't able to do much other than a few sit ups before bed.

I did Bootcamp at lunch today (Friday). It rained a little, so we had to do circuit training in the gym. Got lots accomplished with each station focusing on everything from strength to legs and cardio.

I figured out a couple of things I wanted to invest in for workouts: jump rope and a kettle bell. When I can't do any running on crappy weather days, jump rope will give me some good stationary cardio. And the kettle bell will be good for squats on any day. Always need to work on my legs...!

In the meantime, I'm feeling progress and maybe even fooling myself into seeing progress. All I'll have to do is keep it up!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Catching Up - Day 7/8/9

The past couple days were unfavorable. Felt exhausted on Monday and tummy ache on Tuesday (no more PB & Chocolate from Jugo Juice for me).

However, I just came back feeling pumped after watching "Lucy" starring Scarlett Johansson and Morgan Freeman. Cool concepts and mind blowing ideas mixed with intensity had me feeling invincible!

So tomorrow is exactly a month from having to #lookbetternaked (half naked). I thought I should get a head start and push myself to do a workout today before I completely commit to my exercise regimen.

Tonight I focused on abs and legs. I have to give it to myself for already being lean up top. So my abs are pulsing sweetly above my gut. I hope to get that toned down with more healthy eating for the next month. The workout was rated intermediate-to-advanced, so I found that I had to do modified sets to do the actual set and feel a proper burn.

Then I focused on legs and pushed as much as I could to feel the burn from the squats in the right places. My hips are really pronounced. I'd like to get them slimmed down to make my overall figure more evened out. Progress and results will come in the weeks ahead, I know it!

Time for some shut-eye. Sleep = energy!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Running - Day 6

I enjoyed a good evening run. There are tornado warnings north of the city, so the winds have really picked up - like the simulation of sitting right in the middle of 10 electric fans. Weeeee!

I managed to run for 20 minutes and then mapped it out - 2.5 kms. Not bad! I hope to work up to a longer distance at a fast, consistent speed. I think I'll start using the gym at work during the lunch hours as the days grow colder. But for now, I'll enjoy the outdoors and cement terrain.


Friday, July 18, 2014

Bootcamp - Day 4/5

I did Bootcamp at lunch today!

We did Bootcamp games, to be exact. I liked the spin they put on it because we got into teams and got into competition mode!

Our team (blue) tied with the red team before we had to do a tug of war tie-breaker. Then we lost. But we did pretty well because we only had 4 people on our team and everyone else had 5! Not bad for 2nd place.

I'm glad I signed up for this because it forced me to do more upper body challenges. Otherwise, I'm all good with lower body/legs and core strength. Just gotta keep working on all target areas.

I'll count yesterday (Day 4) as my "rest" day since I had a stomach ache and did not have the ability to get into a workout. Looking forward to next week!

This is where we did Bootcamp. Best view of the city. We are so lucky!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

...sting like a bee - Day 3

It is at a "feels like 30C" temperature at 10:00 p.m. I don't know how I even did this workout...!

"Beach Legs" was a great focus for today. I felt the muscles tear a lot with these sets. Definitely hurts/stings like a bee. So let the fat covert to more muscle!!!

My goal is to get a higher/toned butt and this helped to build the muscle underneath to push everything up. And I like the squats so the muscles tame my hips!

I also did 5 minutes of booty rockin' from Shaun T. It was hard. But I like that he does pulses. Seems effective!

Now, time for sleep. Lame...!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Float like a butterfly... - Day 2

I am currently dripping sweat. Feels like I'm in a sauna/furnace!

Got a late start to the workout. It was too hot after work to do anything, so this was the only logical time to begin. 

I did "Box Smart" which had a lot of side-to-side sets. Perfect for toning my hips! Feels good! Lots of leg work. I felt inspired by Muhammad Ali throughout. 

The newest: a friend at work passed on info that there are free Bootcamp classes from now till end of August every Friday at lunch, so I will be adding this weekly routine to my workouts! Very excited, but also very scared. But it will be worth it. I don't care if I'm still fat or don't lose any weight. I just want to be rock hard and not have any flab jiggling on the beach this summer!

And with that, I shall collapse. 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Return of the Mac - Day 1

In order to motivate myself to look better (half) naked, I am challenging myself to workout 6 out of 7 days a week until the end of August.

Today, I went back to beginner mode in the "Get Lean" category. I went for the Sweat and Shape workout to target all areas of my body.

Today was a little surprising. Being that we did a successful run at the Spartan Sprint last weekend, I thought I was more fit than how I feel right now. It hurts!

I could really feel my legs had lost their strength and my upper body is lacking as was usual. I am definitely going to feel the effects of this workout come tomorrow afternoon.

For now, I'm just glad I got back into the groove. My main target areas are abs and legs. However, after the Iggy Azalea concert last night, I don't mind rocking a toned badunkadunk!

4 out 5 stars!