Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What All People With Access to a Camera Are Privy To...













Thursday, August 12, 2010

Random conversations

Usual girls night out with the high school friends and comes the topic of marriage and kids..

A: what would you rather have? A cute baby or to win the lottery?

Us: cute baby of course!

A: I'd win the lottery, then get plastic surgery for the baby and take the remaining money.

Us: ...........

A: what? That's the most practical answer!

This is coming from a lawyer. Aiyah. I love you A but seriously?! Haha

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Hmm this reminds me....

of the time when FV squared were in Vegas at FAO Swarz when Miss Em thought it would be cool to mount something...

Enough said....

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

What the EFF....


follow the link to the freaky deaky story.....

Look out for this stoooopid sentence:

“We tried (to have a baby) earlier ....."

Once you've read the article, you'll realized why "tried" is a stoooopid action in this situation. All i can say is eww and DUH

Monday, July 19, 2010

Inventions that could save your life.....

You know when you're sitting on the bus, minding your own business when a little voice inside starts to sing....

"goo tooo sleeeeep.... goo tooo sleeeep"

and once you hear that voice you are effed son! Sleeping on the bus, train or whatever public transportation you are on is an open invitation for:

-bodily harm
-bodily contact with unwanted co-passengers (blegh)
-face/hair grease that didn't ooze off your face but now is on your face because you face planted on the window (blegh x 100)
-you fall off your seat, flipping your skirt and you moon the entire bus

BUT FEAR NO MORE! ASIAN INVENTIONS TO THE RESCUE! NO MORE FACE GREASE! NO MORE UNWANTED GROPING!! ANSWERS TO YOUR PRAYERS (especially you ewok, even though we all know you welcome unwanted groping....)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Makeup Tutorial - professional advice I would like to give to Miss Em, SleepiiThao, and ichibum!

Please watch this video so you know how to do your mascara properly, okay girls?!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

California Diaries

Just posting some noted memories from our trip to Frisco (June 22-29, 2010):

On the flight to Frisco:
  • Miss Em and I decide to watch the same in-flight movie "Valentine's Day." Our earphones are in and then BOOM! the start of the movie blasts in our eardrums and we burst out yelling "ow!"
  • Funny quote from the movie: "You know me, always preparing for the worst. Immigrant mentality." - George Lopez
Arrived at Serramonte Mall and got some BBQ Hawaiian ribs. The portion was so large:
  • Dani-wok: "No wonder Americans are so fat."
Talking about DSLR cameras:
  • Miss Em: "You take photos of seniors?"
  • S.R.: "No, scenery..."
  • All: (laughing)
Miss Em and I driving around San Jose following S.R.:
  • It's night and I see a faint shadow on a bicycle as we're approaching a stop light: "It's so dark I can't see the black people."
  • Miss Em didn't even see him. (That means she would have probably ran him over if she was driving. Good thing I was!) Haha!
First day we met S.R. in Daly City:
  • S.R.: "Why is Daly City so foggy? Because all the Filipinos are cooking rice."
Leaving Santa Barbara and going to Los Angeles:
  • ‎S.R.: "Goodbye Santa Barbara with all your money and celebrities...I'm going to LA!!"
Sitting in Universal City at Universal Studios near Hollywood in the parking lot of the Hilton hotel trying to call around for cheaper hotels:
  • Miss Em (while on the phone): "Do any of you have a AAA card?"
  • Dani-wok: "No."
  • S.R.: "(Quietly) I have a XXX card..."
  • S.R. figured we should call Hilton hotel to see what their rates are and says Miss Em should pretend to be Paris Hilton. He imitated what Paris would sound like when booking a room at the Hilton and Miss Em could hardly breathe from laughing so hard when the Hilton hotel answered our call. They hung up on her. Haha!
Playing a game of Catch Phrase:
  • Dani-wok: "O.k. 3 beds!" (Meant to say "3 words" and lost the chance at getting a point. Haha.)
Around the middle of the trip:
  • Dani-wok: "If I had a boyfriend right now, I would break up with him."
At the Golden Gate Bridge:
  • R.C. trying to climb a post: "Oopsie!"
After a long day of sightseeing, we get home pretty late and L.J. parks our rental car and we all get out (some have just woken up since the drive was about an hour long):
  • Miss Em (who just woke up): "Where's our car?"
  • Dani-wok: "You just got out of it (stoopid). Hahaha! Did you have some of my [alcoholic beverage] or something? Hahaha!"
On the drive back to San Jose from Los Angeles:
  • S.R.: "What do horses eat?"
  • Dani-wok/Miss Em: "Hay."
  • S.R.: "What do gay horses eat?"
  • Dani-wok/Miss Em: (We guess stoopid things but none of them are the correct answer so we give up.)
  • S.R.: "You wanna know what gay horses eat?"
  • Dani-wok/Miss Em: "Yeah, what?"
  • S.R. "Haaaaaay...!" (Says it in a gay tone while his head goes from side to side like a gay.) LMAO!
And the winning memory of the trip:
  • Miss Em, S.R. and I get to the elevator and wait for it, as does an East Indian family. Miss Em looks at their youngest child, a cute baby girl, and sees the bindi dot on the baby's forehead and goes "Is that a birthmark?" HAHAHAHAHA!
Other memories:
  • We got lost in Santana Row trying to find where to eat. It's not even that big. Only a few blocks radius.
  • Guy at Safeway in San Jose appreciates seeing Miss Em ride the shopping cart through the aisles.
  • The guys dancing like Michael Jackson in Fisherman's Wharf.
  • We were looking for a parking spot and Miss Em was like "there's one!" I was driving too fast and passed it, so I reversed and my mouth was hanging open trying to reverse fast and I drooled from excitement. Haha!
  • We were eating McDonald's in Westfield and we were laughing so hard at something that I drooled into my lap.
  • The guys break into song if the topic at hand relates to lyrics of a song.
  • R.C. and C.L. wear the same outfit.
  • Americans like Ketchup- and Dill Pickle-flavoured potato chips!
Good times...hahaha.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Twosomes, anyone?

Teleconference with Miss Em, ichibum and Dani-wok:

ichibum: Wanna go to north Vancouver to find all the rich guys?

Dani-wok: YEAH!!!

Miss Em: No, you guys go ahead. I'm traumatized...

ichibum/Dani-wok: Why?

Miss Em: Because Dani-wok brought the whoreman (guy at SJ Safeway in parking lot) over to talk to me. He's a whoreman. He probably wanted a twosome.

LMAO! (She meant threesome.)

Freudian slips during our teleconference:

ichibum: Strong in the face?! (Strong in their faith.)
Dani-wok: Jack in the dog. (Japanese dog.)
Miss Em: You've done it with guys??? (I've gone out with guys.)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Tammy reveals she is fluent in Mexican...(talking about the movie Nacho Libre)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

This is exactly what I envision a creeper to be like..

When I think of "creeper".. this is exactly what I imagine, straight to the T. *shudder*

I wanna be a cheerleader @ 66...

Dlisted.com couldn't have said it better:
"Most grannies only raise their hands to slap you in the back of the head when you sass their asses, but the Japan Pom Pom squad raises their hands to punch their pom poms into the air"
When we're old and wrinkly, I'm going to force Ewok, Tree, Miss Em to join my cheerleading squad... "GOOOOO RAGING PIGLETS!!"

Thursday, January 28, 2010

What I found while going through my photo collection.....

was a photo that we took when we were in Las Vegas (New York, New York). I dunno how I missed it in the collection or why Tammy, was not sitting with us, but I now realize that Tammy wasn't exaggerating when she said she didn't like roller coasters.

I believe you now sis.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sleep Talkin' Man

"Ooh! My balls are itchy. Have you got the cheese grater?"

I just spent the past 20 minutes laughing my ass off at what this guy says in his sleep. Some of the things he says are just outrageous! Others are worry some. I'm sure psychologists and the like are having a hay-day deciphering each sleep-talking phrase his wife catches every night for nearly the past year. Enjoy. I did!


Update: I sent an email to the Sleep Talkin' Man and got a reply (below):

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Friday, January 8, 2010

So Many Rules...

This is one place you don't want to get drunk at