Workout: went to the gym
Equipment: inclined elliptical, hip abductor weight machine, standing ab thing.
Time: 60 mins
Pump me up song: Oh Yea - GD & TOP. (kpop)
I've decided to steal Dani-wok's layout to blog. She's so more organized than I am.
Weddings and Vegas in 6 months. I need to get back to the gym and work on my fitness .. After a month of self indulgence, partying, and injury after one day of P90x (I really did feel like I was going to die.. As per dani-wok, it's normal! ) it was time to get back on being "in my prime all the time!"
Its been busy at work, and the only time I could attempt going to the gym was at around 1030pm tonight. I was thisclose to not going at all, but my sister started the "you-are-going-to-be-forever-alone-and-fat" speech that gave me a some motivation to go. Plus it was a day before valentines day. Since this year's vday was a write off, might as well prepare for next year. :)
There were only 6 ppl at the gym, so it was quiet plus, everyone is probably preparing for vday tmr with mushy cards and flowers and chocolate and stuffed animals and jewelry and romantic dinners and sexing and... Sigh. I hate valentines day. Easing back into working out, I went on the inclined elliptical. I felt like I was going to die 5 mins in. But then forced myself for another 30 mins. After I slid off the machine, did some hip abductor reps and standing crunches.
Not bad for the first day...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Hey, you PROMISED to take a photo of YOU working out. I better see it in Day 2's log!