Monday, August 11, 2014

Bad - Day 24/25/26/27

I declared Thursday another break day.

Friday, I was unable to do Bootcamp. A meeting went late into the lunch hour and we were unable to get our workout in, so we just went outside to eat lunch. In the evening, I did some unorthodox workouts with a combination of daily butt and floor-type workouts for butt and abs.

Saturday was another break day. Or does walking around 2 shopping malls for *ahem* eight *cough* hours count?

Sunday was another break day. Took a nap midday and didn't really get out of my laze enough to get a workout in. But I did have an hour walk in the morning with the dog. 20 mins longer than we usually walk.

Today, I mustered up some energy to do my daily butt workout. The progress on my stamina has increased greatly! I can how pulse my leg for a full minute without cringing in pain. This is amazing! I am really happy with the progress I'm feeling (not so much seeing) on my butt. My underwear is feeling looser, so that's a huge win! Well, not really because that means I'll have to go shopping for new expensive undies. :/ 8 more hours of shopping...? lol

Ok, time to get serious on this workout stuff. I will have to do more legs and abs stuff tomorrow as Bootcamp on Friday will turn me into it's bitch if I don't get some pre-torture workouts started tomorrow. Goodnight!

R.I.P. Robin Williams.

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