Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Twosomes, anyone?

Teleconference with Miss Em, ichibum and Dani-wok:

ichibum: Wanna go to north Vancouver to find all the rich guys?

Dani-wok: YEAH!!!

Miss Em: No, you guys go ahead. I'm traumatized...

ichibum/Dani-wok: Why?

Miss Em: Because Dani-wok brought the whoreman (guy at SJ Safeway in parking lot) over to talk to me. He's a whoreman. He probably wanted a twosome.

LMAO! (She meant threesome.)

Freudian slips during our teleconference:

ichibum: Strong in the face?! (Strong in their faith.)
Dani-wok: Jack in the dog. (Japanese dog.)
Miss Em: You've done it with guys??? (I've gone out with guys.)


  1. Also to remember: ugly babies, tree man, tubby...

  2. fivehead: With a regular forehead, you have about four fingers from the top of your brow to your hairline. With a fivehead, you have 5 or more fingers from the top of your brows. fig 1 above illustrates this point and one can conclude that the man above has a fivehead. lol
