Sunday, January 25, 2015

Baby Steps

I'm back at it tonight as my weekend literally involved babies and eating high carb foods.

On Thursday last week, I got in 40 mins of skating again. It was so good for my hips. I'm going to miss doing it as I will be focusing on my 40 days of workouts in noon hour classes. 

Tonight, I did a quick Tabata workout which got my heart rate up for a short 12 minutes. But better than nothing, I say! After that, I added Shaun T's butt workout to get myself up to over 15 minutes of exercise for the day.

Baby steps! Wish me luck - I know I'll be in pain this week. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Shake It Off

I am officially registered in a 40-day fitness challenge! I'm really excited to do this. It all begins with a pre-fitness test which will be the foundation for all the progress we make after which we have access to health seminars, nutritionist, personal trainer and free unlimited fitness classes. This is going to be so worth it, especially since my ultimate goal for 2015 is to be healthier physically, mentally and spiritually.

And with that, my workout for today was another enjoyable lunch hour of ice skating at the rink. We even had a nice laugh about the viral video of the cop going off to Taylor Swift's "Shake It Off." And so I've got a new attitude for 2015 to be inspired by. Just shake it off, shake it off!:

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

I already look good.

Enough feeling inadequate! 

Time to shape up 2015!

I know I already look good. At least, that's what I'm telling myself. If I have a high self esteem, all this working out is just to keep myself healthy and looking more fab throughout the year!

Tonight I did a 30-minute workout to Get Lean. I started all over again at "Beginner" to wean myself back into a more active lifestyle. This is always my favorite workout because it touches on different sets instead of repeated combos of sets. Other than being interrupted by a phone call from my mom during the workout, I give myself a 4 out of 5 stars for pushing as hard as I could.

And if last week counts, I was able to enjoy some ice skating during the lunch hour at work. It was a really good workout for my back and posture and also them hips.