Monday, November 16, 2009

A Taste of LA Driving, July 17 2009

So, here's a taste of what it was like driving in LA. It was basically Miss Em driving while I navigate and the two bums in the back sleep until we reach our destination.

Ewok woke up to see what we were laughing about. We told her we had saw an animal, a hairy beast like thing running across the freeway making strange noises~ hahahaha


  1. When I do this a certain someone hits me. Or they kidnap my camera and delete the video. I need a Tammy suit to dress up in and video tape my friends in the same manner.

  2. or you can just be evil and film and post without permission.. haha jk

  3. I think I will. Tammy I must introduce you to my friend Lina. I think you two will get along well together.

  4. I DID NOT even know they videotaped me until I watched this and it was out of my reach! Ah, heck. I would have let her post it anyway.

    YES!!! POST THE LINA VIDEO! Maya wants Tammy to see it SO bad! I wanna meet Lina too.

  5. i missed meeting the famous lina by like an hour!haha
