Our team consist of 3 girls and 3 guys and we play every Monday. Walked into the gym, there were only tall big white ppl. Our team, short Asian ppl. Oh my.
Due to prior commitments from others, we only had 5 players in day 1 and day 2, still managed to win 2-lose 2 which is not bad considering our disadvantage.
The next day after volleyball, felt fine, a little sore but no biggie. But the day after that, oh em gee. Hit me like a train. My legs ached, my back ached, my gluts ached! This must be a sign of old age. -sigh-
At least I didn't get a ball smacked in my face yet. But I did end up with some bruising on my Fore arm :(

We'll see what next Monday brings. -_-U
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